When you can't create...

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Absinthe’s Thoughts:

In Second Life, there are many different types of businesses. The easiest type of business, and one could also say laziest, is being a reseller. Being a reseller is where you buy items from other creators in bulk and resell them at a higher price from either one location or various locations. Im not saying that this kind of business is bad, but in fact the way you go about it is what could make it a shady business. Ive never had a problem with resellers until today. I wandered into a store called TNY… at first glance I thought “ok a shoe creator who buys full permission sculptie shoe sets” then I walked further in the store and was shocked by what I saw… this reseller named Tango Bingyi is reselling clothing from Last Call, I’m not sure if any of you are old enough on the grid to remember what Last Call was, but the story in short is that Last Call was a popular store in Second Life. The designer was super talented in making clothes and paved the way for creators to start using attachments and sculpties in their creations. The store closed down due to a tragedy and one of the main creators of Last Call was killed in Real Life. Last Call was never a creator that allowed for reselling of their clothing, in-fact all of the stuff was no transfer right up until the end that the other creator made everything no copy and transfer. To me Tango has taken advantage of someones tragic death to make a profit, and on top of it he doesn’t even give credit to Last Call, he claims these creations as his own and has branded the clothing as TNY.

His store is all over the place, I was confused whether I was in a reseller store of a copybotter’s store. Some of his stuff is labeled as the original creator, where other items are labeled as TNY which its still obvious that he didn’t create these items. To top it all off nothing is consistent, he got different styles of clothing such as punk, classy, casual, and shoes, and furniture, and a giant cartoon turtle?.. did I just discover the first Second Life Wal-Mart?

I think this guy needs to come into his own and start to make his own stuff instead of buying everyone else’s and branding them TNY, or start giving the REAL creators credit. He has even gone so far as to steal an idea from one of the popular sky-boxes on the grid called New York Sky-box.. the sky-box has a window in it that when you look out seems like you are looking across the New York landscape. Tango has put this same idea at the front of his store. Just cause your name has New York in it doesn’t mean you have the right to take the New York Sky-box idea.Even his store name is unoriginal, Tango New York? Does he even live in New York or is he just ripping off the Maybelline New York makeup campaign. All I know is I wouldn’t spend a cent in this rip off store, and id advise the same for everyone else.

Below you will see pictures of the Last Call rip offs and the comparison of the New York Apartment and TNY’s store front.



Vodka’s Thoughts:

Yet another cluster fudge of mess. Walking in you get shoes in your face like President Bush did. None of the shoes were innovative, so i passed them right by. The only creative thing about the shoes was one single ad up above the kiosk. Next, when I saw the Last Call outfits that I bought from Last Call itself (FOR WAY CHEAPER THAN HIS RIP OFF PRICE) I almost keeled over. I got so angry I told Ab I had to leave. In the distance I heard someone else complaining about his shoes. She said she spent L600 and nothing looked right. All I did was TP out. I’m glad items weren’t copybotted, but it’s a shame you put your name on someone else’s creations, considering the situation with Last Call, he should have done a memorial wall and shown the story WITH the creator’s partner’s permission. We were all heartbroken when the story of Last Call came out. The Last Call/Celestial/ETD sims closed down in memorial. Since then, I haven’t seen ONE thing that comes close to the quality of Last Call and Tango should be ashamed to put his name on their creations. They were not his, and I hope he is asked over and over to replicate it, because he can’t. Looking at his furniture store…I wonder what’s really his.

One store not to visit.

Bar closed on this one.


One of the outfits from Last Call labeled TNY

Last Call Outfit # 2

Last Call Outfit # 3

Last Call Outfit # 4

Wall mixed with Last Call and other clothing.

TNY replica of New York sky-box window.

The real New York sky-box window.

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