Absinthe’s Thoughts:
So far me and my business partner Vodka have explored a good amount of stores this past week. Clothing, accessories, pet stores, randomness stores, but we have yet to cross over into the Gorean market. "Gor" in Second Life is almost another market venue on its own. Creators make outfits specifically for role-play in the Gorean environment. There are over 200 plus Sims that participate in this type of role-play so you can see why this genre would be profitable.
This started mine and Vodka's quest to find some Gorean stores, which in turn didn't really turn out all that great. 80% of the Gorean creators that we have come across all seem to be similar to each other in their designs, their shading in the clothing, and even the prim work on the outfits. They all seemed like they got idea's from each other, but didn't really scream copiers to me...until we came across one store in-particular, Little Tasta, which is owned by Etana Vella.
I wouldn't really think to myself that this woman is copying people by her Gorean clothes, because I never really been involved in the Gor world (until searching a few places), but the thing that tells me she is copying people is the similar design from companies that are part of the Gor market and outside of the Gorean market in EVERYTHING including her actual store build.
When I first walked in her store I looked around and gasped because little red flags were going off in my head saying I've seen lots of this stuff before. The first thing I saw was the way she laid her freebie dress on the desk at the front.. it seemed very similar to what I had seen earlier that day, because in-fact it was exactly the same idea that Primitive Design had at the front of his store (see comparison below).
The next thing I noticed was the colors and framing around her store build, at this point I wasn't even looking at the creations she made, I was looking at her structure. As I walked to the back of the store I gasped yet again because it hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. Ms. Vella had stolen the design of her store from someone. The back wall was almost identical to the back wall at {Zaara}'s. Then everything else started to fall into place. Etana's frame work was similar, her colors and the bright walls, and the arches, even the text that is above the door frames was stolen from {Zaara} (see more comparison's below).
At this point I was pretty ticked off and decided to look at the content in the store and started taking snapshots of everything. I then took a trip to the Gor Hub, (which, apparently, is a place where many people gather to socialize and shop for Gorean apparel and how me and Voddy discovered the Gorean market), and started taking pictures of anything that I thought looked like Ms. Vella copied. Turns out everything in her store is almost an exact replica of outfits made by other Gorean creators (see even more comparisons below).
Ms.Vella should be ashamed of herself. Taking idea's from different parts of Second Life and combining them into one big mess does not make you creative, it makes you a thief. After reading her blog, one might even go as far as to say she's quite full of herself. she keeps saying "after tons of requests I've made....". Who the fuck is sending requests to her? Not anyone with half a brain that can see that she's a thief. She even has a youtube tribute to herself with her singing in the background with numerous pictures of herself from Second Life and then a picture of herself in real life at the end (link to video is below). Her voice sounds like she just drank to much and is trying to sound sexy. At least unplug your nose while your singing Etana, and leave poor Taylor Swift's song alone, what the hell did she do to you to make you trash her music like this. I feel sorry for her, because it looked as though she tried to use Photoshop on her real life photo and failed at the attempt to make herself look pretty, but because of her lack of skill in the program, it only made her look like a washed out alien with a false eye. Get a clue woman, and start doing something your good at... oh wait...maybe she's not good at anything other then stealing.
Overall this is definitely one persons store to avoid on the grid, and maybe even want to avoid Etana Vella all together because she might try to steal your personality. Etana if you ever read this I think your a stealing cunt! sorry everyone else for my language, but this bitch pissed me off!
Holy hell Abs! Leave me some room will ya? Originally I didn't see the Little Tasta store until Abs had a heart attack at me. We love Zaara's store and for anyone to ATTEMPT to copy it, is insane. Zaara has authentic cultural clothes that are CLASSY, the store is classy to match, so as far as ripping off the store, it's a sad thing to see that you can't come up with your own twist on a design at least. Anyhow, my comment on the "So many people have requested..." is usually what lonely "designers" say when they don't get requests from anyone but maybe a friend. It's like playing the game telephone, only there's 2 people playing.
Person Whispering: Etana, I think you should make something like this....
Well missy, your store traffic shows that you're not that popular to get requests. We know good style, craftsmanship, and creativity, and you don't make the cut.
I'm appalled just by knowing Zaara's store was attempted to be ripped off. GET AN IMAGINATION!! I looked around several vendors and saw the same designs. Not sure if this is common in Gorean roleplay, but ripping off creations as well as stores, shows you something about the designer. NO CREATIVITY, NO ORIGINALITY, NO TALENT!
We research, that's part of our job - So when searching, I found 2 songs on YouTube by Etana (as Abs listed above) as well as a "Gorean Idol" post. I find this REALLY REALLY SAD! Say you're American, try American Idol, say you're from the UK, try Pop Idol or Britian's Got Talent. Until you can make it in that HUGE world...you know, the REAL one that you should be spending more time in than a virtual one, I don't want to hear that you're wonderful. ICK! This one is not only un-original, but all around full of herself and one of the "non-gems" we found in the dirt of Second Life.
Abs, this one is an empty bottle. I had to drink it all to get through this post and I'm still shuddering at the vanity and unoriginality.
Come to find out, Ms. Vella spoke to Zaara ASKING where she got her items from. After being told her ITEMS WERE EXCLUSIVE TO ZAARA, Etana went ahead and made her store a copy anyhow. I'd red flag this creator!! WATCH YOUR CREATIONS EVERYONE!!
In addition:
[11:47] etana Vella: i just found it, and actually hon, I spoke to Zaara herself before that build was done, so thanks for that bullshit, especially after i've been such a good friend to you and ignored all the warnings about you
[11:47] Absinthe Blindside: to me?
[11:47] etana Vella: as for the clothing, I use templates, like over 99% of the designers in gor, you can find them all over xstreet
[11:47] Absinthe Blindside: I dont even know you
[11:47] etana Vella: ahhh wait.. i just noticed your last name
[11:47] etana Vella: i have another friend named absinthe .. so sorry about that
[11:48] etana Vella: But I spoke to Zaara herself personally in IM's. as for the textures on the wall, they were created by ME, i have the PSD files to prove that as well
[11:49] Absinthe Blindside: Zaara told me differently
[11:49] etana Vella: as for the freebie dress, that was created over a year ago, again using a template, so the other person you're speaking about, i've never even heard of let alone ever seen
[11:50] etana Vella: so sweetheart if you think you're doing me any harm, you're not, you're actually doing me a favor by giving me publicity. there are "top" creators in this game that use template like the ones I use by Unlikely Quintessa. Look at all of Luck Inc and a ton of other stores. they all use the same ones
[11:51] Absinthe Blindside: im not here to argue with you.. we'll see what the other creators say that I sent the post to that you copied
[11:51] etana Vella: and i take it you are probably leeta, and the other girl is ana right? i can just ask my linden friend who you are :) thanks and have a nice day waisting your entire life in here because you actually have no RL
[11:53] Absinthe Blindside: whos Leeta? Im thinking you drank to much today hun cause you keep thinking I am someone different.. my name is Absinthe Blindside.. not Leeta... learn how to read
[11:47] Absinthe Blindside: to me?
[11:47] etana Vella: as for the clothing, I use templates, like over 99% of the designers in gor, you can find them all over xstreet
[11:47] Absinthe Blindside: I dont even know you
[11:47] etana Vella: ahhh wait.. i just noticed your last name
[11:47] etana Vella: i have another friend named absinthe .. so sorry about that
[11:48] etana Vella: But I spoke to Zaara herself personally in IM's. as for the textures on the wall, they were created by ME, i have the PSD files to prove that as well
[11:49] Absinthe Blindside: Zaara told me differently
[11:49] etana Vella: as for the freebie dress, that was created over a year ago, again using a template, so the other person you're speaking about, i've never even heard of let alone ever seen
[11:50] etana Vella: so sweetheart if you think you're doing me any harm, you're not, you're actually doing me a favor by giving me publicity. there are "top" creators in this game that use template like the ones I use by Unlikely Quintessa. Look at all of Luck Inc and a ton of other stores. they all use the same ones
[11:51] Absinthe Blindside: im not here to argue with you.. we'll see what the other creators say that I sent the post to that you copied
[11:51] etana Vella: and i take it you are probably leeta, and the other girl is ana right? i can just ask my linden friend who you are :) thanks and have a nice day waisting your entire life in here because you actually have no RL
[11:53] Absinthe Blindside: whos Leeta? Im thinking you drank to much today hun cause you keep thinking I am someone different.. my name is Absinthe Blindside.. not Leeta... learn how to read
*** Apparently this one has a lot of enemies and is used to this. She listed 3 different people above that we might be....interesting...and wrong but maybe we should look into these people.
Etana Vella's Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5nAPmn130s
The clothing laid out on the desk at the front of primitive's store.
The copied idea from primitive designs.
Back wall of store at {Zaara}
Back wall at Little Tasta.

The Archway with the text at {Zaara}

The copied arch way with text at Little Tasta.

Design for a gorean slave outfit at Gutter Pup.

Copy of the outfit from Gutter Pup.

Another design from Gutter Pup.

Another copy from Gutter Pup.

Nubian Angel gorean outfit design.

Copy of Nubian Angel design.
Another Gutter Pup design.

Another copy of Gutter Pup's design.

Happy Tantrum gorean design.

Copied idea from Happy Tantrum.
October 10, 2009 at 12:26 PM
Hun you should really do the work before you accuse someone of stealing. Yes a lot of designers use templates that is what they are made for. So what, shes not original you take a look around SL before you think shes the only one who's not. Not saying shes right but you try the clothing business before you open your mouth. And since we are on the subject of Not Original, your blog layout must have been made by you. Very well done.. O wait it wasn't hmmm you should get on that. If you wanna do some bitching about people who are "unoriginal" look for the ones who use copy bots I think those are the real problem.
October 10, 2009 at 12:30 PM
Use templates creatively hun ;)
October 10, 2009 at 12:35 PM
I think this blog is great. these two women are giving their opinions, who doesn't have an opinion.
we all know that there are more then just one person that are unoriginal in second life. I hope vodka and absinthe keep finding them and write about them.
October 10, 2009 at 12:36 PM
Thanks Sarah.
October 10, 2009 at 1:02 PM
Belladae -
Aside from templates(which can still be used creatively like other people have)...the store is a full copy, not copybot. Without permission from Zaara - what's that all about? ALSO, flowers aren't templates, so before you try to rip up on anyone and say everything is a template, get a clue. THANKS HUN!
October 10, 2009 at 1:05 PM
Ok. read your blog and honestly... You really need to get out more. In Gor no matter where you turn all the clothing is basically the same. Now, for the pics you posted.. I truly don't see the similarities. The primitive designs.. oh wow.. someone laid out a outfit the same.. I am more then sure they were not the first to do that.. While your going on about creativity and originality um.. you named yourselves after drinks... how original.. *yawn*
You have your opinion, and opinions are like assholes.. everyone has one, and since your so keen to post your opinion, here is mine.. Time to click that lil X in the top right corner and get out more. "80% of the Gorean creators that we have come across all seem to be similar to each other in their designs, their shading in the clothing, and even the prim work on the outfits. They all seemed like they got idea's from each other, but didn't really scream copiers to me...until we came across one store in-particular, Little Tasta, which is owned by Etana Vella." Kinda seems you set out to target her being that 80% of Gorean Creators share the clothing and designs.. hmm...
October 10, 2009 at 1:23 PM
Hey, thanks for leaving your name brave one!
Thanks for quoting my profile too! Opinions are like assholes (then again there just are some...) Seems that you're skipping over the fact of taking ideas or making a copy of a store...interesting none of your friends touch on that Etana...maybe they agree. If you don't see the similarites..."D" you're blind, get glasses. I'm pretty sure someone who is legally blind can see the differences, which may be you, who knows, you can't post your name afterall...
Have a great day!!
October 10, 2009 at 1:30 PM
Hot damn.. you really do have no life.. you responded pretty quickly..lmfao.. Yep, the store looks similar.. Ive seen alot of stores that look that way. or maybe while out on your sposed 'quests' to find people to write about maybe you have yet to stumble on them.. and being that you guys spent more time tryn to flame her about her clothing instead of the store yea i focused on that.. and being that Your sooo curious as to who I am..
October 10, 2009 at 1:31 PM
Thank you for your opinion D.. by the way that is an interesting name. one letter, very inventive.
If you have not noticed we are named after liquor because our blog name is Manic Liquor.
You are right about one thing, we did target Etana because she stole her building design from {Zaara}.
October 10, 2009 at 1:40 PM
WOW!! I love Zaara's stuff, why would anyone try to steal her idea's.
Zaara is original, if other people are copying her building and other designs shame on them!!!!!
It's okay to get inspiration from other designers, I do it in Real Life, but why would you copy piece by piece and then claim it as you're own?
October 10, 2009 at 1:42 PM
And you have 100% proof she did that?? You have Zaaras words exactly saying she stole it?? Since you seem willing to share your convo with Etana, where is the one from Zaara saying Etana stole it.. Where are the the accusations about all the other people that have their store designed similar to that..? Or the stores that have the same kind of arch way, or back room design.. or the people who have a prim laying on a counter to look like a article of clothing draped over it.. Where are those posts?Where are those pictures.. ??
October 10, 2009 at 1:44 PM
Hot damn, so did you! Maybe you need to hit the X? Consider it, since you are the 'know all of SL and fashion, and stores...'
Your profile:
Shiney things amuse me, I swing a mean spork and I get bored very easily.. Chances are im bored now.. Have stick will poke.. If u wanna kno something, then ask. Just dont bore me with 'hi' make it worth my time and attention.
October 10, 2009 at 1:47 PM
We have it and have respect for Zaara. We will not post her comments. :) She's original
October 10, 2009 at 1:51 PM
and yes Susan, it is ok to get inspiration from others. Etana has not once claimed that as her own design, one of the many things they forgot to mention or point out. The seating area in Zaaras place is actually very common specially in Gor, so there is no originality there. The layout of her store, sure .. the textures.. sure.. But Etanas textures are NOT like Zaaras, and again Etana has not once made any claim to that store being of her own design. Tho the blog has many points, but its also very shady and misleads people on alot of things and if they are going to point fingers and make accusations they need to do more research and actually look around to whats out there instead of target just one person. Cause in Gor, just about everyone has the same styles and designs for clothing, and for stores they come a dime a dozen.
October 10, 2009 at 1:54 PM
indoor seating areas are not common like that in gor. outdoor ones are.
October 10, 2009 at 1:56 PM
Nope, but she did ask Zaara about her design, then outright copied it. Sorry "D" you're just digging her in a hole.
October 10, 2009 at 2:01 PM
so all the ones in taverns.. or in some homes.. wow, guess all those people got it wrong it seems..
and she asked her about a couch, not the design of her store.. Ive seen the convo.. I think someone needs to get their shit straight... kthnxbai
October 10, 2009 at 2:18 PM
maybe you havent been in gor that long. no they are pillows on the ground not couches.
be well
October 10, 2009 at 2:29 PM
Hello, just clarifying the above :)
Etana IMed me ([2009/09/11) inquiring about my furniture and if I could sell it to her.
I replied stating.. no, the poses are not transfer and I cant sell these items.
she asked me again if I would sell it without the poses as she was interested in only the build. I did not respond to this at all.
I am not sure how this 3 sentence conversation implies that she spoke to me about this matter 'before the build was done'. Cos nothing of this sort was discussed with me.
October 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM
According to Etana's conversation with Absinthe she does take her creations as her own. Etana has her store name on the stolen store idea and is selling the copied items with her name on them.
If your selling items with your name on them than thats claiming it as you're creation is it not?
I agree with everything that this blog says, I hate seeing creators work hours and hours on their stuff and then watch some idiot walk in behind them and copy it in minutes.
October 10, 2009 at 3:07 PM
What I find most funny about this is, some of the designs you stated I copied were made before the other creator's items as well. So yes, do get to know your facts please. Again as Drauxanna has stated, I never claimed the store build design as MY original idea. I've seen many similar layouts like that in SL. As for the seating area, yes they are similar in SL Gor, cushions around a dance area. I've also let Zaara know that a new build is already half done before I was even aware of this post, because of a new sales ad design I am doing. As for the sculpties you stated were copied on the flowers, those are full permissions sculpted prims off of Xstreet, again released before the other persons as well. So please, do get your facts straight before you accuse ME of copying. I've spoken with a couple of the people you stated I copied from, and since I follow SL TOS, I won't copy/paste their IM's here for you to see, but they agreed with me that I DID NOT copy. We used the same templates, and had the same sort of ideas in a gorean fashion theme. Zaara has great products, and originality as well to boot. Some of my items also have custom sculpts made, as well as custom textures, unlike anyone elses in SL period. So again, please find out when some things were released before you try to slander me. The majority of what I 'copied' was released before the other person. I'm not saying they copied me either, so don't try to say that I did as well. As for the blog, very interesting, and funny at times. This seems like a rather personal attack, being that you not only slandered my store, but my music as well. And since you're accusing D of "hiding" because she posted with an initial, why are YOU both hiding behind alts? Don't have the guts to get on your other avi's? Don't be so hypocritical here people.
October 10, 2009 at 3:24 PM
For one, I don't think you think it's funny at all, considering you went through this length to get your friends to post...or if it was you, who knows...anyhow, please brush up on your SL TOS, nothing has been posted in-world, therefore, not illegal. You are outside of Second Life posting on a blog. Find that in the SL TOS and we'll gladly take this post down. Until then, stare at it as much as you want.
Nothing seems to be built from your original idea, we've found even more items that are similar. It's not our problem you have no creativity, but we do credit the designers that do. We're glad you're changing your store and hope it won't be a copy of someone else's. We have also spoken to other people about this issue to make them aware and have the responses, but again, we are respectful to those who have imagination and can create, rather than find something and attempt to create a copy.
We also did check release dates, we don't just post randomly.
As far as alts...apparently you have too many enemies since you started listing names. We're not even going to get into who these people you think we are, because frankly you're not worth any more of our time. Until you list out all of your alts, don't ask. It's NONYA!
October 10, 2009 at 3:27 PM
Jason, you may wish to reread the convo, Not once did Etana say anything was her very own creations other then the textures..
"[11:48] etana Vella: But I spoke to Zaara herself personally in IM's. as for the textures on the wall, they were created by ME, i have the PSD files to prove that as well" Again yet another that dont fully read or research before they open their mouths..
October 10, 2009 at 3:27 PM
Why do you think that coming on our blog and telling a bunch of lies is going to make you look any better? Your lying though your teeth. I have seen the conversation's between these "creator's". and the one that we have been pointing out you copied the most, btw read the post again, didn't agree with you at all, in-fact you got caught up in a bunch of lies with her.
Our original avatars have been deleted because we have no interest then them anymore, why would myself and vodka tell people who they are when it isn't even important. I know why your bringing it up, to take away focus from your stealing.
I didn't include the rest of the comparison pictures but I will be adding the rest to the blog so people can see it. I did do my homework honey, your prims are not older then the ones you copied.
Don't try to cover a lie with a lie, its not slander its the truth.
October 10, 2009 at 3:29 PM
Really? How did you check the release dates? I wasn't aware you IM'd me and asked for proof of all release dates, nor was I aware you could log into my account, and check the properties of the items for the release dates. The majority of what you claimed I copied was released over a year ago, no complaints for over a year except for this. I find that funny :) I listed one name, not names, so perhaps you should learn how to read, hmm?
October 10, 2009 at 3:34 PM
Listen, sweetheart, we don't know how to put it any more clear, but we've bought both copies. We do research and have researchers, therefore the prims would tell the dates would they not? You're making yourself look really bad. Just giving you a heads up. It's really unprofessional of you, but then again, so is copying ideas.
Hope your next store is original.
October 10, 2009 at 3:38 PM
Wow you wanna know something girls. I think my 12 year old son has more class then you 2!! The words you use the personal attack of her music has NOTHING to do with her clothing!!!! ANND get to know anything about gor b4 ya open ya mouths up ans spill out trash. I been in gor since 2005 and there is only so many ways to make a duck quack. Your blog is trash you two are trash and i hope people see this for what it is a personal attack on some you dislike for what ever reason!
October 10, 2009 at 3:43 PM
I think my 10 year old son has a better vocabulary than you do.
I think more blogs like this should come out and expose designers that try to rip my money off!
WTG Ladies!
October 10, 2009 at 3:56 PM
Just thought I would check back at the comments.
I myself find this very amusing. The only trash about this blog is the people they are writing about on the bottom the the barrel.
I know I will be reading this all the time looking for the next juicy information and laughing at the comments that are left by the people committing the crime scrambling to make themselves look innocent.
Keep it up Manic Liquor.
October 10, 2009 at 4:20 PM
You wanna critique someone do it with a little bit of class. You sound like a bunch of little high school girls bulling a kid. Get some class.
October 10, 2009 at 4:45 PM
Sorry, what's bulling? LMFAO
October 10, 2009 at 5:12 PM
I came on to read this blog thinking it was just going to be like all the rest of them kissing ass to creators trying to get free stuff.
Kudos to you both for not following suit and instead writing about what you really think.
All of us should be so brave to throw our opinions out there like this.
By the way Etana why would you try to defend yourself on a blog that already trashed you? you feeding the wolves?
October 10, 2009 at 7:24 PM
sounds like somebody has a guilty conscience. Keep up the good work guys
Iv also noticed that nobody is leaving any comments in any of the nice things they have to say about peoples creations
October 11, 2009 at 6:35 AM
Apparently on this case there are none, check middle and top shelf Jesse.
October 12, 2009 at 9:27 AM
I personally don't see how anyone can take it seriously. Two chicks who don't know anything about the building world can give their opinion about building or fashion, and think they know what they are talking.
So you'll post her word for word but not the creators? What exactly are you hiding? Wouldn't it make it a lot easier if you show both sides instead of just attacking her.
Great job on being immature Voddy and Absinthe!
The people with blogs like this need to take a hint and find something new to do, seriously. Lol, but I love that you hide behind alts, why not bring the drama you create to your mains!
October 12, 2009 at 12:22 PM
I don't remember either myself of Vodka saying we wanted anyone to take us seriously. We both have been on second life for 3 years and have been building just as long, What makes you think that we don't know anything about fashion or how to build? other then the fact your ignorant and probably think your the only one that can build.
We didn't post the creators words because she asked us nicely not to do it. If you havn't noticed the creator herself posted a comment in this blog stating in short form what she told us and how she never gave Etana permission to take her store design.
These are our main avatars, our old avatars we deleted ourselves because we got bored of them, you will not find them anymore in the second life data base. So message me all you like honey, bring on the drama I love it!! and by the way you posting comments and visiting our blog site just gives us more traffic.
October 12, 2009 at 12:36 PM
and more business....