Absinthe's Thoughts:
You can find an animation overrider easy enough, but to find one that doesn't make you look like a stiff mannequin or the other extreme, someone who's took a hit of acid and cant stop jumping around, is almost near impossible.
Myself and Voddy have came across a woman named, Daisy Saeed and she owns a store called Kuso. The store has really innovative poses and tons of fun jumps, runs, sits, typing animations, stands, hovers, etc., and the best part and really shocking part is you can get each individual animation between 8L - 12L. WHAT!!?? thats exactly what I said when I went to pay for a jumping animation and saw that it only cost me 8L. you can even buy full animation override's with everything included between 150L-300L... that's way less then the competition and as far as I'm concerned this is the best animation overrider I have had all 3 years I've been in Second Life, and the cheapest I've ever paid for one! That is why I think this creator deserves to be on the top shelf. She's creative, has really awesome products and isn't after making lots of money, but because of this I think she is probably doing fairly well considering her traffic is over 19,000. I have attached some pictures below, but its hard to capture the movements of these animations in a still pose so you will just have to go check out her store to get the full affect.
"Kuso", according to Daisy's profile, means imagination in Japanese. If this is true, then name suits this creator because you couldn't get any closer to the truth, she definitely has an imagination when it comes to creating animations. I will probably have the whole store bought before the end of the week, and the best part about it, I will still have lindens left over.
Vodka's Thoughts:
I bought a new typing animation. After spending quite a while not wanting to type like a noob, I decided to go back to it, happy to see that there were some cool animations out there. Ab had shown me the AO and I soon thereafter became a little excited that it came with a typing animation, but still wanted a fun one, so I ended up buying the arm roll hand typing animation which was only 4L, so cross out the 8L Ab wrote and put in 4, because that's the lowest the price goes...as far as I saw! It's amazing how true creators don't have to charge an arm and a leg to provide fun to people in Second Life.
I agree with Ab, her imagination is truly unique and definitely give this one a double shot!
Drink up!